Thursday, 24 November 2011

Fairlop Chess Club - 'Centre of Excellence'

Our school Chess Club has been highlighted as one of the best places in the country to learn and play the game!  We have been made a 'Centre of Excellence' by the English Chess Federation.

Last week, we played a match against another school who are a listed centre - Knights of Gidea Park Junior Chess Club.  This nine-a-side contest was a tense time!  We took the first round, but they came back to take the second, finally the match was a draw and we all received a medal.  Fairlop hope to make this tournament an annual event.

Our Chess club meets every Monday evening between 4.00 - 5.00 pm and is run by Richard Harding, our Chair of Governors.  Did you see our photo in the Ilford Recorder last week!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

What a great game!

In Chess we have been learning different techniques to win. We have been practising really hard as we have lots of competitions coming up. We have already won a lot of competitions and are still winning. On our last comptetion we played in Basildon this was quite tough! Some of us qualified for the next round but not all of us.
Once you get used to the moves in the game and have a good understanding it is really interesting and fun!
Lots of people enjoy playing chess.

By Myna  3K

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Latest News from Chess Club

During the past few weeks at Chess Club we have played some serious competitions but only against ourselves. We have been doing this because on 6th March there is going to be a competition for chess but is a school team event.
The other Sunday we played in a tournament. This time it was an independent event.

We played really well in this chess competion and  two of Fairlop's children have gone through to the next round.This was a tremendous acheivement.

Keep an eye on this Blog for regular updates!

By Piraveen and Maaz